Monday, October 17, 2011

A Quick One

I don't really lack things to say, just time to say them in. Anyway keep coming back for the blog roll, and philosophical content is coming soon. In the meantime, some fluff:

Girls here at my school say "thenks" when you hold the door, sometimes even "thenk yo." Is that a regional thing? I hate it.

I dislike it when I'm trying to call someone and there's a little scraping noise on my cell phone, which makes me think they're picking up, and then it rings again. Does that happen to anyone else?

"Slumdog Millionaire" may be the stupidest movie I've ever seen.

I've been watching "Breaking Bad," and it's really entertaining.

Gasoline is too expensive.

I'm not a big fan of rice as a soup ingredient.

OK, I'm running out of fluffy bits. Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. The cell phone thing happens to me as well. I often say, "Hello?" And then I'm embarrassed when no one responds, even if I'm alone.

    It is IMPOSSIBLE for me to believe you can't think of stupider movies.

    Liberals sometimes say gasoline isn't expensive enough. We should make it more expense ("we") so folks buy less and save the planet.

    Rice noodles are good.
